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What kind of Research Design is Appropriate? Why? | Marketing Research

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Marketing Research


Assignment A


 1.  “Food Mania” is a chain of fast-food restaurants located in major metropolitan areas in the south. Sales have been growing very slowly for the last two years. Management has decided to add some new items to the menu, but first they want to know more about their customers and their preferences.

  1. List two Hypothesis 


b. What kind of research design is appropriate? Why?


2. Develop a plan for conducting a focus group to determine consumers’ attitudes towards and preferences for imported automobiles. Specify the objectives of the focus group, write a screening questionnaire, and develop a moderato’s outline.


 3. You are in the marketing research department of a firm specializing in developing decision support system (DSS) for the health care Industry. Your firm would like to measure the attitudes of hospital administrators towards DSS. The interview would be conducted by telephone. You have been asked to develop an appropriate scale for this purpose. Management would like you to explain and justify your reasoning in constructing the scale. 


4. After receiving some complaints from readers, your campus newspaper decides to redesign its front page. Two new formats B and C were developed and tested against the current format, A. A total of 75 students were randomly selected and 25 students were randomly assigned to each of three format conditions. The students were asked to evaluate the effectiveness of the format on an 11-point scale. (1 = Poor, 11 = excellent)

  1. State the null hypothesis

b) What statistical test should you use?


  1. What are the degrees of freedom associated with the test statistic?


 5. Describe the appropriate target population and the sampling frame in each of the following situations:


Assignment B

Marks 10

Answer all questions.


1. Develop a series of questions for determining the proportion of households with children under age 10 where child abuse takes place. Use the randomized response technique.


2. A manufacturer would like to survey users to determine the demand potential for a new power press. The new press has a capacity of 500 tons and cost $225,000.It is used for forming products from lightweight ad heavyweight steel can be used by automobile, construction equipment and major appliance manufacturers.


                                                                    Case Study


Q1.) Should Nike switch from a focus on celebrities to a focus on its products in its advertising? Discuss the role of marketing research in helping the Nike management to make this decision. What kind of research should be undertaken?

Q2.) How would you describe the buying behavior of consumers with respect to athlete footwear?

Q 3.)  Define the marketing research problem facing Nike, given the management decision problem you have identified? How can the internet be used to help Nike in conducting marketing research and in marketing its products?



                                                          ANSWERS OF MULTIPLE QUESTIONS:


1. The respondent's perceptions that their identities will not be discerned by the interviewer or the researcher--




  1. Social desirability


  1. Critical request


  1. Perceived anonymity 


  1. Non response bias


2. Observation bias for mechanical observation--




  1. Low 


  1. High


  1. Medium 


  1. Extremely high


3. Pretest-Posttest Control Group is which type of Experimental design?




  1. Pre-experimental 


  1. Quasi experimental


  1. True experimental 


  1. Statistical


4. The process of correcting data to reduce them to the sample scale by subtracting the sample mean and dividing by the standard deviation--




  1. Generalization


  1. Scale transformation


  1. Standardization


  1. Variable re – specification


5. Scale intervals can be used for--




  1. Family lifestyle


  1. Age


  1. Occupation 


  1. Sampling


6. The process of recognizing and noting people--




  1. Direct observation method 


  1. Experimental method


  1. Attitude research 


  1. Data gathering


7. Descriptive research is a type of--




  1. Exploratory Research 


  1. Attitude research


  1. Conclusive research 


  1. Experimental research


8. What is meant by value of research information?




  1. How valuable the data is for the client 


  1. cost benefit analysis of the data


  1. Information collected from various sources


  1. Total time collected in gathering information


9. The efficiency of OTC products is checked by--




  1. Retailers only


  1. Consumers only


  1. Manufacturers only 


  1. Distributors only


10. An extraneous variable involving changes in the; measuring instrument or in the observers or scores themselves--




  1. Interactive testing effect 


  1. Instrumentation


  1. Statistic


  1. Sampling


11._____may be broadly classified as exploratory or conclusive.




  1. Job design


  1. Longitudinal design


  1. Cross-sectional design


  1. Research design


12. The time which a respondent takes before answering the question--




  1. Response error


  1. Response Latency


  1. Verbal models


  1. Voice pitch analysis


13. An extraneous variable attributable to the loss of test units while the experiment is in process--




  1. Interactive testing effect


  1. Instrumentation


  1. Statistic


  1. Mortality


14. Which one of these is a Market Research Firm?




  1. PWC 


  1. Ernst and Young


  1. AC Nielsen 


  1. Voltas


15. A focus group technique using a telecommunication network is called--




  1. Telephonic group 


  1. Telephonic interview


  1. Tele session group 


  1. Mortality


16. In Exploratory research design the methods used are--




  1. Expert surveys


  1. Pilot surveys


  1. Qualitative research 


  1. all of them


17. The research methodology which provides insights and understanding to the problem is--




  1. Causal research


  1. Descriptive research


  1. Exploratory research 


  1. all of them


18. When is the transcribing process of data preparation irrelevant?




  1. CAPI 


  1. Mall panel


  1. In home interview


  1. all of them


19. A scale for measuring attitudes that consists of a single adjective in the middle of an even-numbered range of values, from -5 to +5, without a neutral point, is--




  1. Semantic differential scale 


  1. Likert scale


  1. Continuous rating scale


  1. Staple scale


20. Companies that collect and sell common pools of data designed to serve information needs shared by a number of clients is--




  1. Customized services 


  1. Syndicated services


  1. Field services


  1. all of them


21. Which is a type of limited services?




  1. Analytical services 


  1. Customized services


  1. Standardized services


  1. Internet services


22. Types of syndicated services--




  1. Purchase panel


  1. Tracking data


  1. Audit services


  1. all of them


23. The research design which is used to obtain the evidence of cause and effect relationship is--




  1. Exploratory research 


  1. Descriptive 


  1. Cause and effect 


  1. Cross-sectional 


24. What is list of all units/observations is known as?




  1. Sampling frame 


  1. Sampling size


  1. Parameter


  1. Statistics


25. Promotion of cable TV affects the health of a child 1) strongly agrees 2) agree 3) disagree 4) strongly disagree 5) undecided is an example of--




  1. Ordinal scale 


  1. Summated scale


  1. Nominal scale


  1. Arbitrary scale


26. Multiple choice questions for which usually only two responses are given such as: yes -no, male- female is termed as--




  1. Open-ended questions 


  1. Multiple choice questions 


  1. Dichotomous questions 


  1. Unstructured questions


27. The summary description of a fixed characteristic or measure of a target population is known as--




  1. Parameter 


  1. Precision


  1. Statistic


  1. Quota


28. Which of the following is a technique of exploratory research design?




  1. Focus group interviews


  1. Simulation 


  1. Secondary data 


  1. Interrogation of respondents 


29. Which of the following techniques is commonly used in social science research?




  1. Deliberate sampling 


  1. Multistage sampling 


  1. Cluster sampling 


  1. Systematic sampling 


30. Ranking of a team can be done with the help of--:




  1. Ratio scale 


  1. Interval scale


  1. Ordinal scale 


  1. Nominal scale


31. What is the degree of freedom for F-test?




  1. n-k-2 


  1. n


  1. n-k


  1. n-k-1


32. Which of the following is the source of secondary data?




  1. Mail interviews 


  1. Focus groups


  1. Delphi technique


  1. Sales records 


33. What is the another name for single cross-sectional designs?




  1. Longitudinal designs 


  1. Sample survey design techniques 


  1. Projective techniques 


  1. Causal design


34. Questions to which the respondents can answer in their own words are--




  1. Dichotomous questions 


  1. Unstructured questions 


  1. Structured questions 


  1. None of the above


35. Number of units to be included in the study is called--




  1. Sampling frame 


  1. Sampling


  1. Sample size 


  1. Sampling unit 


36. Technique used to motivate respondents to enlarge on, clarify or explain their answers--




  1. Interviewing 


  1. Sampling


  1. Probing


  1. Questioning


37. Non-metric data can be measured on--




  1. Interval 


  1. Nominal or ordinal scale


  1. Ratio scale 


  1. None of the above


38. Which of the following represents the middle value when the data is arranged in the ascending or descending order?




  1. Mode 


  1. Median 


  1. Mean 


  1. Average


39. Story - telling is an example of --




  1. Delphi technique


  1. Observational methods 


  1. Depth interviews 


  1. Projective technique 


40."A Local radio station asks people to call in and express their reactions to some controversial issues "is an example of--




  1. Judgment sample 


  1. Convenience sample 


  1. Quota sample 


  1. Probabilistic sample