What are the Cooperating Processes and how they Communicate? Explain by Taking a Suitable Example |
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Operating System and Data Storage
Assignment A
1. What is an operating system? Discuss the functions of an operating system? Give a general architecture of the operating system.
2. What are the cooperating processes and how they communicate? Explain by taking a suitable example.
3 .Write a note on the multi-processor scheduling.
4. What are the characteristics of a good scheduling algorithm? Give a comparison of FCFS
And RR algorithm giving pros and cons of each with example.
5. Define deadlock. What are the necessary and sufficient conditions for deadlock to occur?
6. What is the need for Page Replacement? Discuss different page replacement techniques giving a performance comparison.
7. What is the requirement of Memory Management? How the address binding of instructions and data is carried to memory address.
8. What is the purpose of directory structure in file system? Explain various types of directory structure with suitable diagram
Assignment B
What is the content of the Matrix Need?
2. Is the system in a safe state?
3. If a request from process P1 arrives for (0, 4, 2, 0) can this request be granted immediately?
Assignment C
1. Consider three processes (process id 0, 1, 2 respectively) with compute time bursts 2, 4 and 8 time units. All processes arrive at time zero. Consider the longest remaining time first (LRTF) scheduling algorithm. In LRTF ties are broken by giving priority to the process with the lowest process id. The average turn around time is:
(A): 13 Unit
(B): 14 Unit
(C): 15 Unit
(D): 16 unit
2. The scheduling in which CPU is allocated to the process with least CPU-burst time is called
(A): Priority Scheduling
(B): Shortest job first Scheduling
(C): Round Robin Scheduling
(D): Multilevel Queue Scheduling
3. Which of the following can be used as a criterion for classification of data structures used in language processing.
(A): nature of a data structure
(B): purpose of a data structure
(C): lifetime of a data structure
(D): lifetime of a data structure
4. The operating system is the most common type of …. Software
(A): Communication
(B): Application
(C): System
(D): Word processing software
5. When a peripheral device needs immediate attention from the operating system, it generates a(n)
(A): Interrupt
(B): Spool
(C): Stack
(D): Page file
6. Which is the layer of a computer system between the hardware and the user program
(A): Operating environment
(B): Operating system
(C): System environment
(D): None
7. Which of the following is an example of a real time operating system?
(A): Lynx
(C): Windows XP
(D): Process Control
8. Linux is a(n) … operating system
(A): Open source
(B): Microsoft
(C): Windows
(D): Mac
9. Which one of the following is not a multitasking operating system?
(A): DOS
(B): Windows
(C): Unix
(D): Linux
10. The “turn-around” time of a user job is the
(A): time since its submission to the time its results become available.
(B): time duration for which the CPU is allotted to the job
(C): total time taken to execute the job.
(D): time taken for the job to move from assembly phase to completion phase.
11. Program ‘preemption’ is
(A): forced de allocation of the CPU from a program which is executing on the CPU
(B): release of CPU by the program after completing its task.
(C): forced allotment of CPU by a program to itself.
(D): a program terminating itself due to detection of an error.
12. Which of the following is not a fundamental process state
(A): ready
(B): terminated
(C): executing
(D): blocked
13. Which of the following loader is executed when a system is first turned on or restarted
(A): Boot loader
(B): Compile and Go loader
(C): Bootstrap loader
(D): Relating loader
14. “Throughput” of a system is
(A): Number of programs processed by it per unit time
(B): Number of times the program is invoked by the system
(C): Number of requests made to a program by the system
(D): None of the above
15. Which of these is a component of a process precedence sequence?
(A): Process name
(B): Sequence operator ‘;’
(C): Concurrency operator ‘,’
(D): All of the above
16. A linker program
(A): places the program in the memory for the purpose of execution.
(B): relocates the program to execute from the specific memory area allocated to it.
(C): links the program with other programs needed for its execution.
(D): interfaces the program with the entities generating its input data.
17. Which scheduling policy is most suitable for a time-shared operating system
(A): Shortest-job First.
(B): Elevator.
(C): Round-Robin.
(D): First-Come-First-Serve.
18. An operating system contains 3 user processes each requiring 2 units of resource R .The minimum number of units of R such that no deadlocks will ever arise is
(A): 4
(B): 3
(C): 5
(D): 6
19. Which of the following is not a key piece of information, stored in single page table entry, assuming pure paging and virtual memory
(A): Frame number
(B): A bit indicating whether the page is in physical memory or on the disk
(C): A reference for the disk block that stores the page
(D): None of the above
20. A UNIX device driver is
(A): Structured into two halves called top half and bottom half
(B): Three equal partitions
(C): Unstructured
(D): None of the above
21. An assembly language is a
(A): low level programming language
(B): Middle level programming language
(C): High level programming language
(D): Internet based programming language
22. An analysis, which determines the syntactic structure of the source statement, is called
(A): Sementic analysis
(B): process analysis
(C): Syntax analysis
(D): function analysis
23. A program in execution is called
(A): process
(B): function
(C): CPU
(D): Memory
24. Jobs which are admitted to the system for processing is called
(A): long-term scheduling
(B): short-term scheduling
(C): medium-term scheduling
(D): queuing
25. Before proceeding with its execution, each process must acquire all the resources it needs is called
(A): hold and wait
(B): No pre-emption
(C): circular wait
(D): starvation
26. Virtual memory is
(A): simple to implement
(B): used in all major commercial operating systems
(C): less efficient in utilization of memory
(D): useful when fast I/O devices are not available
27. Page stealing is
(A): is a sign of efficient system
(B): is taking page frames other working sets
(C): should be the tuning goal
(D): is taking larger disk spaces for pages paged out
28. To avoid race condition, the maximum number of processes that may be simultaneously inside the critical section is
(A): zero
(B): one
(C): two
(D): more than two
29. Page fault frequency in an operating system is reduced when the
(A): processes tend to the I/O-bound
(B): size of pages is reduced
(C): processes tend to be CPU-bound
(D): locality of reference is applicable to the process
30. In which of the following page replacement policies Balady’s anomaly occurs?
(B): LRU
(C): LFU
(D): NRU
31. Virtual memory can be implemented with
(A): Segmentation
(B): Paging
(C): None
(D): all of the above
32. ___________ is a technique of temporarily removing inactive programs from the memory of computer system
(A): Swapping
(B): Spooling
(C): Semaphore
(D): Scheduler
33. __________ is a technique of improving the priority of process waiting in Queue for CPU allocation
(A): Starvation
(B): Ageing
(C): Revocation
(D): Relocation
34. File record length
(A): Should always be fixed
(B): Should always be variable
(C): Depends upon the size of file
(D): Should be chosen to match the data characteristics.
35. If the disk head is located initially at 32, find the number of disk moves required with FCFS if the disk queue of I/O blocks requests are 98, 37, 14, 124, 65, 67.
(A): 239
(B): 310
(C): 321
(D): 325
36. Pre-emptive scheduling is the strategy of temporarily suspending a running process
(A): before the CPU time slice expires
(B): to allow starving processes to run
(C): when it requests I/O
(D): to avoid collision
37. In round robin CPU scheduling as time quantum is increased the average turn around time
(A): increases
(B): decreases
(C): remains constant
(D): varies irregularly
38. Which concept explains the working of an Operating System?
(A): It is event driven
(B): It is object oriented
(C): It is procedure based system software
(D): It is procedure based system software
39. Blocking and Caching are the terms associated with which Operating system functions respectively
(A): Memory management and Disk Scheduling
(B): IOCS and Disk Scheduling
(C): IOCS and Memory management
(D): Process management and IOCS
40. Which operating system implementation has to focus on the issue of resource sharing?
(A): Batch Processing
(B): Multiprogramming
(C): Distributed
(D): Time sharing