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Ignou Solved Assignment For TS-1 Foundation Course in Tourism

University  IGNOU
Service Type Assignment
Course BTS(Tourism-Studies)
Short Name or Subject Code TS-1 Foundation Course in Tourism
Product BTS(Tourism-Studies) of Assignment (IGNOU)
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If These Questions Don't match with your Assignment Please Contact Our Team we Provide same as You want.

1. “India: A destination for all Seasons and all reasons”. Discuss the statement elaborating the geographical features of India. 20

2. Discuss the role of any two International Organizations working for the development of tourism. Support your answer with examples. 20

3. How does a tour escort prepare for a tour? Write the important things to take care of, while planning a tour. 20

4. Briefly explain the role of following service providers in the development of tourism of a destination : 5X4 = 20

a. Street Guides (Tout)

b. Souvenir Sellers

c. Photographers

d. Tourist Police

5. What is tourism marketing? Explain the marketing mix in detail. 20

6. Discuss the importance of monuments in promotion of heritage and cultural tourism. 20

7. Explain the highlights of National Action Plan for Tourism, 1992 . 20

8. What role does infrastructure play in developing a tourist destination and community development? Cite relevant examples. 20

9. Discuss the positive and negative impacts of mass tourism in hilly areas. Discuss with the help of example. 20

10. What role does photography and writing play in the tourism industry? Explain with relevant examples.