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Ignou Solved Assignment for MRD-102 Course Title Rural Development Programmes

University  IGNOU
Service Type Assignment
Course M.A.(Rural-Development)
Short Name or Subject Code MRD-102 Course Title Rural Development Programmes
Product M.A.(Rural-Development) of Assignment (IGNOU)
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Long Answer Questions

Attempt anyOne ofthe following :

1. Describe the importance of wage employment programmes? Highlight the salient features of Jawahar Rojgar yojana.

2. What are the main objectives of Rashtriya Mahila Kosh (RMK)? Describe the features of main loan scheme of RMK.

3. Describe various aspects of NationalSocialAssistance Programme.


Medium Answer Questions

Attempt anyTwo ofthe following :

1. Explain the role of NABARD in ruraldevelopment.

2. Discuss important features of Employment Assurance Scheme.

3. Describe the relationship between poverty and health in the context of rural India.


Short Answer Questions

Write short notes on anyFive of the following :

1. PrimaryHealth Care

2. ElementaryEducation

3. NationalHealth Policy

4. Social Forestary

5. RuralSanitation

6. GlobalPositioning System

7. Pradhan MantriGram Sadak Yojana

8. Targeted Public Distribution System