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Ignou Solved Assignment for MPA-018: Disaster Management

University  IGNOU
Service Type Assignment
Course MA(Public-Administration)
Short Name or Subject Code MPA-018: Disaster Management
Product MA(Public-Administration) of Assignment (IGNOU)
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Q.1 Define disaster and discuss vulnerability profile of India. 10

Q.2. Highlight different phases of disaster cycle 10

Q.3 ‘Effective disaster preparedness is a dynamic requirement’. Discuss. 10

Q.4 Write a note on Risk Mapping. 10

Q.5 Discuss principles and strategies of CBDM. 10


Q.6 ‘Shelter rehabilitation concerns spread across various aspects’. Discuss. 10

Q.7 Discuss major steps involved in relief distribution. 10

Q.8 Write a note on Emergency Operations Centre. 10

Q.9 Discuss the concept and significance of damage assessment. 10

Q.10 Bring to light interlinkages between recovery and development. 10