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Ignou solved assignment for MGSE-004 Gender issues in agriculture rural livelihoods and natural resource management

University  IGNOU
Service Type Assignment
Course MA GD
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Product MA GD of Assignment (IGNOU)
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Write short notes on the following in 200 words each:

1. Role of Women in Agriculture.  

2. Millennium Development Goals. 

3. National Agriculture Policy. 

4. Women, Technology and Agriculture. 



Answer any two of the questions given below in 1000 words each.

1. Explain the significance of value added products in dairy farming. How can value added products in dairy farming improve women‟s income? Discuss.  

2. What is property? Discuss the significance of property in improving women‟s status and condition at private and public spaces. 

3. Write an essay on “Feminization of Agriculture and Allied Activities”.