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Ignou Solved Assignment for Course: Gandhian Approach to peace and conflict resolution (MGPE-008)

University  IGNOU
Service Type Assignment
Course M.A.(Political-Science)
Short Name or Subject Code Course: Gandhian Approach to peace and conflict resolution (MGPE-008)
Product M.A.(Political-Science) of Assignment (IGNOU)
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1. Explain the conceptual basis of community peace.

2. Analyse the different solutions put forward by Gandhi to deal with intolerance.

3. Write a short note on the following in your own words: a) Gandhi’s vision of community peace. b) Understanding tolerance and harmony.

4. Examine Gandhi's scheme of world federation and peace among nations.

5. Discuss some of the major theoretical expositions with regard to conflict being inherent in human beings.




Write a short note on each part of the question in about 250 words:

6. a) Approaches to Negotiation and Mediation. b) Shanti Sena.

7. a) Gandhi's views on legal conflicts. b) Gandhi's views on industrial conflicts.

8. a) Chipko movement. b) Petra Kally and the German Green Party.

9. a) Importance of dialogue and negotiation in conflict resolution. b) Fasting for conflict resolution.

10. a) The idea of Fearlessness and Courage. b) Insurgency in Assam.