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Ignou Solved Assignment For Che 05 Organic Chemistry

University  IGNOU
Service Type Assignment
Course BA(Chemistry)
Short Name or Subject Code For Che 05 Organic Chemistry
Product BA(Chemistry) of Assignment (IGNOU)
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1. (a) Give the IUPAC names of the following compounds: 



b) Explain the type of hybridisation present in ethyne using suitable diagrams.

2. Explain asymmetric synthesis using suitable examples. 

3. Draw and explain the energy profile associated with ring flipping of chair conformation of cyclohexane. 

4. Give reasons for the following: (2+2+1)

(i) 2, 2-Dimethylpropane has higher melting point than pentane.

(ii) -carotene is red in color.

(iii) The region of IR spectrum between 675 cm1 and 1250 cm1 is called fingerprint region.

5. What is tautomerism? How is it different from resonance?

6. (a) Explain the following: 

(i) Wurtz reaction, has limited synthetic applications.

(ii) Alkanes are relatively unreactive or do not react with most of the common reagents.

(iii) Physical constants like boiling points, densities, etc. of alkanes generally increase with increase in the number of carbon atoms.

(b) Give one example each of the following reactions:  

(i) Sabatier-Senderens reaction

(ii) Decarboxylation of the carboxylic acid

7. (a) Explain Saytzeff rule giving suitable example  

(b) Give mechanism of the following reactions: 

(i) Birch reduction

(ii) Wittig reaction

(iii) Dehydrohalogenation of alkyl halides

8. (a) What is difference between Markownikoff’s and anti Markownikoff’s rules? Explain with a suitable example. 

9. (a) Explain the following: 

(i) The theoretical value of evolved, when hydrogens are added to benzene, is quite high as compared to the experimental value.

(ii) Nitrobenzene does not undergo Friedel-Crafts alkylation.

(b) What do you understand by para-directing activators, para-directing deactivators and meta-directing deactivators? 

10. (a) Explain the following: 

(i) 1-Position in naphthalene is more reactive than the 2-position towards electrophilic substitution.

(ii) Pyrrole is more basic than pyridine.

(b) Predict the products of the following reactions:

i) Oxidation of propylbenzene

ii) Friedel-Crafts acylation of pyrrole

iii) Friedel-Crafts alkylation of pyridine 

11. (a) Taking a suitable example, write the mechanism of an SN2 reaction. Explain the effect of the structure of alkyl halides over the reaction rate.       2 1 2

(b) Explain why allylic halides are very reactive under SN1 conditions.

12. Explain the following: (a) p-Nitrophenol has higher boiling point and solubility in water than o-nitrophenol. 

(b) Oxiranes are more reactive than open chain ethers. 

13. Complete the following reactions: 

(i) C2H5OH + SOCl2

(iii) 2-Butanol H+ /heat (i) CH Cl3/OH- (ii) H+ /H2O

(iv) CH2 CH2 O (i) RMgX (ii) H + / H2O

(v) 273 K H + CH3 -S-CH3+ H2O2

14. (a) How would you carry out the following conversions: 

(i) Ketone to alkane

(ii) Alcohol to aldehyde

(iii) Ketone to alcohol

(b) What is mixed aldol condensation? Write its mechanism 

15. Explain the importance and preparation of chloramines T and dichloramine T.  

16. (a) Differentiate between lactones and lactides. Give one method of preparation of each of them. (3) (b) How can you convert 2-butanone to 2-methyl-2-hydroxybutanoic acid?  

17. Discuss the mechanism of Hofmann rearrangement.  

18. (a) Why do nitroalkanes behave as weak acids? Explain.  

(b) What is TNT? How can it be prepared?   

19. Briefly explain the following:

(i) Curtius rearrangement

(ii) Schmidt rearrangement

20. Discuss the secondary structure of a peptide giving suitable diagrams.