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Ignou Solved Assignment For BRL 001 Overview of Retailing

University  IGNOU
Service Type Assignment
Course B.B.A
Short Name or Subject Code BRL 001 Overview of Retailing
Product B.B.A of Assignment (IGNOU)
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(A) Short Type Questions

1. What is retailing? Explain pros and cons of the retail industry. 

2. What do you understand by consumer behavior? Explain the influence of situational variables on shopping behaviour? 

3. How do you distinguish modern retail formats from traditional formats? Explain with suitable examples. 

4. Explain the factors influencing the setting of a store location with suitable examples?

5. Describe the applications of technology in retail industry with examples?  

6. What do you understand by Rural Retailing? Explain the status of rural retailing and its features. 

7. Write short notes on:

a) Shrinkage

b) Cash and Carry 


(B) Essay Type Questions

8. What is retail pricing? Discuss the objectives and approaches of Retail Pricing. 

9 (a) Describe the non-ethical behaviour in retail business with suitable examples.

(b) Discuss the benefits of managing ethics in the retail work place.