Ignou solved assignment for BPY-005: Indian Philosophy: Part II |
University | IGNOU |
Service Type | Assignment |
Course | B.A(BDP) |
Semester | |
Short Name or Subject Code | BPY-005 |
Product | B.A(BDP) of Assignment (IGNOU) |
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Assignment – 5
i) Answer all five questions
ii) All questions carry equal marks
iii) Answer to question no. 1 and 2 should be in about 400 words each.
1. 1. Describe in detail the epistemology of the Nyaya school of Indian thought. 20
Give a detailed exposition of the Vaiseshika metaphysics.
2. Write a detailed essay on the eightfold path of yoga. 20
Write in detail the sources of valid knowledge (brahmans) according to
the Mimamsa school of Indian thought.
3. Answer any two of the following questions in about 200 words each:
a) Explain Gandhi’s views on Truth and God. 10
b) Describe the evolution theory of Samkhya philosophy. 10
c) Which are the Kinds of perception recognized by Nyaya? Explain. 10
d) Explain Ambedkar’s critique of religion and the caste system. 10
4. Answer any four of the following in about 150 words each:
a) Discuss ‘Arthapati’ as a valid brahmana. 5
b) Write a note on the social philosophy of Amartya Sen. 5
c) Differentiate Svathanumana and Pararthanumana. 5
d) Briefly explain the religious philosophy of Tagore. 5
e) What do you know about the Qadriya Order of Sufism? 5
f) Describe the theory of erroneous perception in advaita. 5
5. Write short notes on any five of the following in about 100 words each:
a) Quality (Guna) 4
b) Sadhna in Tagore 4
c) Ahamkara 4
d) Supermind 4
e) Ishvara 4
f) Sabda 4
g) Vivekanand’s concept of Karma 4
h) Asrama 4