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Ignou Solved Assignment For BLIE 228 Information Products and Services

University  IGNOU
Service Type Assignment
Course B.L.I.S
Short Name or Subject Code BLIE 228 Information Products and Services
Product B.L.I.S of Assignment (IGNOU)
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Note: Answer all questions.

1) Answer the following questions in 250 words each. 

1) What do you understand by SDI service? Explain with examples the two basic components of SDI service. 

2) Differentiate between library, information center and information analysis center.  

3) Describe the document delivery service provided by NISCAIR and INFLIBNET center.


2) Answer the following questions in 150 words each.  

1) Explain the different methods of arranging entries in an ad hoc bibliography.  

2) How will you organise newspaper clipping service in your library? 

3) Define Reviews. Describe the different categories of Reviews.  

4) Describe the emerging new trends in electronic document delivery service. 

5) Explain the features of collaborative tools.



1) Arrange the following given bibliographical information using the 7th edition of MLA standard.


1.1) Book

First Editor                                                      Pamela Davies

Second Editor                                                  Peter Francis

Title                                                         Victims Crime & Society

Sub Title                                                          An Introduction

Publisher                                                       Sage Publishing

Year of Publication     


Place of Publication                                               India

Type of Publication                                                Print

Other Information                                   ISBN 9781446255902


1.2 Periodical Article

First Author                                                Sara L. Rynes

Second Author                                           Amy E. Colbert

Third Author                                             Ernest H. O’Boyle

Name of the Periodical                         Journal of Management

Title of the Article                      When the “Best Available Evidence” Doesn’t Win: How

                                           Doubts About Science and Scientists Threaten the Future of

                                                       Evidence-Based Management

Volume Number                                                 44

Issue Number                                                      8

Year of Publication                                           2018

Pages                                                         2995-3010

Type of Publication                                          Print


1.3 Online Newspaper Article

Name of the Newspaper                       The Hindustan Times

Date of the Publication                             17/10/2018

Date of Retrieving/Accessing                   17/10/2018

Author                                                 Manmohan Vaidya

Title of the Newspaper            Clipping The RSS is a modern cultural force

Web Address           

Type of Publication                                        Web


1.4 Chapter in a Book

First Editor                                           Stephen Edgell

Second Editor                                      Heidi Gottfried

Third Editor                                          Edward Granter

Title of the Book          The Sage Handbook of the Sociology of Work and Employment

Publisher                                           SagePublishing

Year of Publication                                     2015

Place of Publication                                London

Title of the Chapter                       Global Labour Politics in the 21st Century

Sub Title of the Chapter                Organising in Informal and Precarious Jobs

Author of the Chapter                       Jennifer Jihye Chun

Joint Author of the Chapter                    Rina Agarwala

Pages of the Chapter                                  623-645

Type of Publication                                         Print


1.5 Government Publication

Author                                         Government of India, Ministry of Chemical and Fertilizers

Title                                                     Bhopal Leak Disaster Scheme-1985

Publisher                                                      Government of India

Place of Publication                                          New Delhi

Year of Publication                                              2015

Type of Publication                                              Print


2) Prepare an indicative abstract of the below mentioned text in not more than 50 words.

User Groups and Types of IAC Products

Users of IAC products can be broadly categorized into six groups.Not only information requirements of each user group differ from each other, within each group different types of IAC products are needed by the users depending upon the area of their work as well as stage of that work. Even if similar type of IAC product carrying the same message e.g. creating awareness of a new technology useful for all level of users or a breakthrough in cure of some chronic disease, is to be prepared for different groups of users, the level of treatment of the subject, technical details covered, media and format of the product will be different for each group, though the message conveyed may be the same. The aspect which is equally important to be considered while preparing an IAC product is the communication aspect. The communication is a process by which information is transferred through a given channel (or channels) from a source or a sender to a destination or recipient. The process can be in both directions involving feedback from the recipient. There are many types of communication processes (instituted for specific purposes, audiences, times, circumstances etc) such as mass communication, scientific and technical communication, interpersonal communication, teaching, advertising etc Diffusion is a specific type of communication of a special interest in the context of consolidated information. Diffusion is a communication process by which a new idea or an innovation spreads among the members of a social system (or among a defined social group). The process of diffusion is a type of decision making process, which passes through various stages, and each stage has different characteristics and may require different type of consolidated information and different communication channels. According to Roger (1962, 1971), the process of diffusion of information and associated decision making involves five stages viz. i) awareness, ii) interest/knowledge, iii) attitude formation, iv) trial/decision, and v) adoption/confirmation. Let us study what each stage mean. Awareness: An individual (or group) is exposed to an idea or innovation. Interest/knowledge: The individual (or group) becomes interested in the new idea or activity and seeks additional information so an attitude towards it can be formed. Attitude formation: The individual (or group) forms a favourable or unfavourable attitude towards the idea or innovation and assesses it in terms of his own or anticipated future situation. Trial/Decision: The individual (or group) seeks information for testing and trying the idea or innovation. Adoption/Confirmation: The individual (or group) decides to continue full use of idea or innovation. The type of IAC product for a user (or user group) will depend upon user’s needs for that stage. As users proceed through the diffusion stages (from awareness to confirmation), information requirements become more specific and IAC products become more specific and even more personal. More specific products can serve less specific needs but not the reverse. For instance, an IAC product directed towards attitude formation can also serve as an awareness product but not vice versa. Table 2 provides examples of IAC products as they are appropriate for a number of different types of user organizations and as they relate to five stages in the diffusion of ideas or innovations.


3) Prepare newspaper clipping service. Select any one newspaper and browse the newspaper for the last seven days or any 7 consecutive days.

Select the news items covering the themes such as:

1. Accidents (All types)

2. India’s Neighbours

3. Indian Banks Cut the news items on the above mentioned themes and paste each of them on a separate sheet of paper (A4 Size paper). Give broad class numbers to all the clippings using DDC 19th edition. Arrange the clippings according to date wise and class number wise and put them in a file cover.