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Ignou Solved Assignment For BLI 224 ICT Fundamentals Practicals

University  IGNOU
Service Type Assignment
Course B.L.I.S
Short Name or Subject Code BLI 224 ICT Fundamentals Practicals
Product B.L.I.S of Assignment (IGNOU)
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General Instructions:

i) You are required to do the practical assignment in the Study Centre. Evaluation of the assignment will be done by the Counsellor/ Practical Supervisor.

ii) Make Screen Captures for all the answers and save them in one file. The Counsellor/Practical Supervisor will evaluate these screen captures and give marks accordingly.

iii) All questions are compulsory

1) Prepare a one page of your resume using LibreOffice Writer with a table for qualifications and experience. Table must be embedded in the document. Table must centre aligned in the text with the content left justified. Top row text must be in a bold face and use colours and shading in the row to distinguish it from other rows. 

2) Prepare a presentation on a topic of your interest using LibreOffice Impress. The presentation must have atleast 4 slides with a title slide. In the second slide a bulleted list is to be provided. In the third slide insert an image with text description. In the final slide insert a table. Use animation schemes for header and the text and transition effects in each slide. 

3) Create a file in LibreOffice Calc showing marks of students obtained in a semester with separate columns for assignments and semester end exam. Sort the file alphabetically and ascending order of marks. Add a bar chart representing the data.