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Ignou Solved Assignment For BLI 223 Organising and Managing Information

University  IGNOU
Service Type Assignment
Course B.L.I.S
Short Name or Subject Code BLI 223 Organising and Managing Information
Product B.L.I.S of Assignment (IGNOU)
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Note: Answer all questions.

I) Answer the following questions in not more than 500 words each. 

1) Differentiate between idea plane, verbal plane and notational plane. Discuss the canons of idea plane giving examples.

2) What is CCF? Discuss the structure of a CCF record.

3) Define computerised indexing. Explain the methods of computerised indexing.

4) What is ontology? Discuss its different types


II) Answer the following questions in not more than 250 words each. 

1) What do you understand by hospitality in an array? Explain how it is achieved by classificationsits.

2) Define non-hierarchical relationships. How are these represented in a thesaurus?

3) Enumerate the role operators in PRECIS. Explain the primary operators giving examples.

4) Describe the five stages in the history of knowledge organisation.

5) What is interoperability? Discuss the methods for achieving it.

6) Describe the use of classification in a library and electronic environment.