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Ignou Solved Assignment for Australia's foreign policy (MPSE-013)

University  IGNOU
Service Type Assignment
Course M.A.(Political-Science)
Short Name or Subject Code Australia's foreign policy (MPSE-013)
Product M.A.(Political-Science) of Assignment (IGNOU)
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1. Examine the changing nature of Australia’s foreign policy.

2. Explain the significant change in Australia’s foreign policy.

3. Discuss the structure, process and policy implementation of Australia’s foreign policy.

4. Examine the nature of Australia’s economic relation with ASEAN.

5. Briefly explain changing perception of Australia.




Write a short note on the following in about 250 words each.

6. a) Australia relation with the United States b) Australia’s International trade

7. a) Australia’s economic relations with ASEAN b) Economic co –operation between India –Australia

8. a) Dynamics of Australia –Indonesia relations b) Australia’s relation with the China

9. a) Australia’s policy of fighting terrorism in the region b) Australia’s nation interest in the Indian Ocean Region (IoR)

10. a) Contemporary immigration in Australia b) Australian governments towards energy conservation