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Identify the Five Components of Data Communication System

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LAN Switching and Wireless

Assignment A

1. Identify the five components of data communication system? What is the difference between half-duplex and full-duplex transmission modes? Name the four basic network topologies, and cite an advantage of each type.

2. Define analog transmission? Define analog to analog conversion.

3. Define digital to analog conversion. Which of the four digital to analog conversion technique is most susceptible to noise? Defend your answer.    

4. How do guided media differ from unguided media? What are the three major classes of guided media? Name the advantages of optical fibre over twisted–pair and coaxial cable?    

5. Compare and contrast error control and flow control. What are the three protocols used for error control for noisy channels?    

6.  State and explain adaptive and non-adaptive routing algorithms.    

7. What are the characteristics of CSMA/CD? Explain Token bus and Token ring standards.

8. What is TCP/TP model and explain function of each layer. Compare the TCP header and UDP header. List the fields in the TCP header that are missing from UDP header. Give the reason for their absence.

Assignment B
Case Detail:
Being a network administrator in XYZ bank, it so happened that a hacker stole sensitive business information, an employee opened an attachment with a virus that badly damaged your system and online bank password or credit card info is stolen using spyware?
1. In view of the situation explained above, design robust firewalls with a secure network design to keep hackers at bay and implement a business continuity solution in case of an attack.

Assignment C

1. There are ______________ Internet service providers.
 (A): regional
 (B): local
 (C): national and international
 (D): all of the above

2. Which topology requires a multipoint connection?
 (A): Bus
 (B): Star
 (C): Mesh
 (D): Ring

3. Which of the following is the logical topology?
 (A): Bus
 (B): Tree
 (C): Star
 (D): Both a and b

4. The standard suit of protocols used by the Internet, Intranets, extranets and some other networks.
 (A): TCP/IP
 (B): Protocol
 (C): Open system
 (D): Internet work processor

5. Another name for Usenet is
 (A): Gopher
 (B): Newsgroups
 (C): Browser
 (D): CERN

6. In FDDI, data normally travel on ..................
 (A): The primary ring
 (B): The Secondary ring
 (C): Both rings
 (D): Neither ring

7. Devices on one network can communicate with devices on another network via a .......
 (A): File Server
 (B): Utility Server
 (C): Printer Server
 (D): Gateway

8. What is Trojan horse?
 (A): It is a useful way to encrypt password
 (B): It is a user which steals valuable information
 (C): It is a rogue program which tricks users
 (D): It’s a brute force attack algorithm

9. What is trap door?
 (A): IT is trap door in WarGames
 (B): It is a hole in software left by designer.
 (C): It is a virus which traps and locks user terminal
 (D): None of these

10. .Which mechanism is used by worm process ?
 (A): Trap door
 (B): Fake process
 (C): Spawn Process
 (D): VAX process

11. Who unleashed famous worm attack in 1988 which effected UNIX systems and caused losses in millions?
 (A): Robert Morris
 (B): Bob Milano
 (C): Mark zuckerberg
 (D): Bill Gates

12. Which is not a port scan type?
 (A): TCP scanning
 (B): SYN scanning
 (C): UDP scanning
 (D): SYSTEM Scanning

13. What are zombie systems?
 (A): Are specific system which are designed to attack by manufacturer
 (B): They are network of known hacking group
 (C): These systems are previously compromised, independent systems
 (D): None of the mentioned

14. What is known as DOS attack?
 (A): It is attack to block traffic of network
 (B): It is attack to harm contents stored in HDD by worm spawn processes
 (C): It is an attempt to make a machine or network resource unavailable
 (D): None of the mentioned

15. In wireless ad-hoc network
 (A): access point is not required
 (B): access point is must
 (C): nodes are not required
 (D): none of the mentioned

16. Which multiple access technique is used by IEEE 802.11 standard for wireless LAN?
 (A): CDMA
 (D): none of the mentioned

17. In wireless distribution system
 (A): multiple access point are inter-connected with each other
 (B): there is no access point
 (C): only one access point exists
 (D): none of the mentioned

18. A wireless network interface controller can work in
 (A): infrastructure mode
 (B): ad-hoc mode
 (C): both (a) and (b)
 (D): none of the mentioned

19. In wireless network an extended service set is a set of
 (A): connected basic service sets
 (B): all stations
 (C): all access points
 (D): none of the mentioned

20. Mostly ________ is used in wireless LAN
 (A): time division multiplexing
 (B): orthogonal frequency division multiplexing
 (C): space division multiplexing
 (D): none of the mentioned

21. What is Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) ?
 (A): security algorithm for ethernet
 (B): security algorithm for wireless networks
 (C): security algorithm for usb communication
 (D): none of the mentioned

22. What is WPA?
 (A): wi-fi protected access
 (B): wired protected access
 (C): wired process access
 (D): wi-fi process access

23. What is the frequency range of the IEEE 802.11a standard?
 (A): 2.4Gbps
 (B): 5Gbps
 (C): 2.4GHz
 (D): 5GHz

24. What is the maximum data rate for the 802.11a standard?
 (A): 6Mbps
 (B): 11Mbps
 (C): 22Mbps
 (D): 54Mbps

25. How many non-overlapping channels are available with 802.11a?
 (A): 3
 (B): 12
 (C): 23
 (D): 40

26. What is the maximum distance running the lowest data rate for 802.11a?
 (A): About 100 feet
 (B): About 175 feet
 (C): About 300 feet
 (D): About 350 feet

27. Which of these are the features of ADSL?
 (A): symmetric, adaptive and bandwidth upto 1.1 MHz
 (B): asymmetric, adaptive and bandwidth upto 1.1 MHz
 (C): asymmetric, non-adaptive and bandwidth upto 1.1 MHz
 (D): symmetric, non-adaptive and bandwidth upto 1.1 MHz

28. In stop and wait ARQ, the sequence numbers are generated using
 (A): Modulo-16 arithmetic
 (B): Modulo-8 arithmetic
 (C): Modulo-4 arithmetic
 (D): Modulo-2 arithmetic

29. What is the difference between CSMA/CD and ALOHA?
 (A): frame transmission
 (B): Addition of persistence process
 (C): Jamming signal
 (D): All of the above

30. Which of these uses the Orthogonal Frequency-division Multiplexing for signal generation in a 5Ghz ISM Band.
 (A): 802.11
 (B): 802.11a
 (C): 802.11b
 (D): 802.11a

31. Which of these is described as a multiport repeater?
 (A): Passive Hub
 (B): Active Hub
 (C): Bridge
 (D): Amplifie

32. Which of these is not a functionality of a Repeater?
 (A): regeneration
 (B): forwarding
 (C): Filtering
 (D): connects two segments of a LAN

33. An example of Medium-Earth-Orbit satellite system is-
 (A): Global Positioning System
 (B): Cellular Phone
 (C): Weather forecast
 (D): Celestial studies

34. In TDM Data rate management is done by which of these strategies
 (A): Multilevel multiplexing
 (B): Multi-slot allocation
 (C): Pulse stuffing
 (D): all of the above

35.  which type of EM waves are used for unicast communication such as cellular telephones, satellite networks and wireless LANS.
 (A): Infrared
 (B): Microwaves
 (C): Radio waves
 (D): light waves
36. Which of these is not an advantage of Optical fibers
 (A): easy installation and maintenance
 (B): Immune to electromagnetic interference
 (C): Less signal attenuation
 (D): greater immunity to tapping

37. In cryptography, what is cipher?
 (A): algorithm for performing encryption and decryption
 (B): encrypted message
 (C): both (a) and (b)
 (D): none of the mentioned

38. In asymmetric key cryptography, the private key is kept by
 (A): sender
 (B): receiver
 (C): sender and receiver
 (D): all the connected devices to the network

39. Which one of the following algorithm is not used in asymmetric-key cryptography?
 (A): RSA algorithm
 (B): diffie-hellman algorithm
 (C): electronic code book algorithm
 (D): none of the mentioned

40. What is data encryption standard (DES)?
 (A): block cipher
 (B): stream cipher
 (C): bit cipher
 (D): none of the mentioned