Explain three Popular Data Types Using to Design a Table in Visual Foxpro? |
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Business Systems
1. Explain three popular data types using to design a table in Visual Foxpro?
2. What do you mean by DBMS and how it differs from RDBMS.
3. What do you mean by memory variables? Explain how many types of memory variables are available in FoxPro. Justify your answer with suitable example.
4. Describe any ten mathematical Functions available in Foxpro with Examples
5. What is the difference between Sorting and Indexing? Explain in detail.
6. How will you create a Report in FoxPro. Write down its features and process for creating of a Report.
7. Write a program in Foxpro to print a series of natural number from given two numbers (Start and end)
8. Write a program in Foxpro by using Do case-End Case Structure
Case Study
A problematic conversion to a new software system for managing staff and tracking flights grounded flight operations at Spirit Airlines Inc. to a halt, resulting in passengers stranded in cities such as New York, Detroit and Palm Beach, Florida. The system-wide problems forced the Fort Lauderdale, Florida - based discount airline to book all available hotel rooms in many markets and to institute a nationwide disaster response program.
Sprit Airlines president and CEO Jacob Schorr said the crisis wasn't touched off by the new system crashing or other technical problem. Instead, the problem was caused by a lack of familiarity with the software on the part of Sprit's employees-situation that snowballed at the airline after winter storms affected air travel in the northeast.
While the new scheduling system had been run in parallel with the airline old one from September through the end of the last year, Schorr said users could not negotiate the software fast enough to keep pace after the storms began forcing flight cancellations. "The people who operated the software were not longer as fast with it, even though they were proficient and they were trained", Schorr said "It's one of those situations where your fingers are not connected to your brain anymore, and we were not prepared for that". Flights were also booked to capacity because of the crush of holiday travelers, making it more difficult to accommodate stranded passengers after the problems emerged, he said.
Compounding the situation even further was the fact that Sprit's CIO post is vacant, said Schorr, who held that position until he was promoted to CEO in mid-2000. The airline began interviewing potential CIO candidates last month but has yet to hire a replacement. A hands-on IT executive might have been able to foresee the impending crisis and steer Sprit's crew staffing department away from doing the software conversion at such a busy travel time, Schorr said. "The only way we could have avoided this problem was to have called off the conversion", he said. "But we obviously didn't see the problem coming".
Henry Harteveldt, an analyst at Forrester Research who follows the travel industry, faulted Sprit for its timing. "You never want to do a cutover to a new software system during a peak travel period", he said. Sprit's staffing department wanted the conversion to occur January 1 because the airline needs to track pilot and crew flight hours on a calendar base in order to ensure that workers don't exceed flying limits set by the U.S. federal aviation Administration. Making the switch a week or two later would have required the initial records for this year to be moved from the old system to the new one.
"Up until now, it's been our policy to let individual departments manage their own projects and not involve the IT department", Schorr said. "That's going to change. We need to have our tech people more involved". Harteveldt said such a hang-off IT policy is a receipt for danger. "You don't mess around the technology", he said. "It is not kind to the people who don't understand it".
Schorr said the airline will have to spend at least the rest of the month trying to win back passengers who were inconvenienced by the problems. Sprit, the largest privately held airline in the U.S, carried more than 2,00,000 passengers last year.
The airline will also have to mend its relationship with the New York and the New Jersey Port Authority, which is considering pulling Sprit's landing permits at the LaGuardia and Newark airports in the back of the ordeal. Port authority spokesman Stewon Coleman said that at one point. New York police were called to La Guardia to claim an unruly crowd of disgruntled passengers. "There were some near fistfights between some of the passengers who'd just had enough", he said.
The crisis also will lead to organizational restructuring at Sprit. Coleman said although he added that specific changes haven't been decided on. A week ago, the airline announced that it had returned to "business-as-usual operation". Schorr said the new software remains in place. "It was a matter of knowing how to use it", he said.
Answer Section
Q.No 1: Who was the sprit airlines president and CEO
Q.No 2: What major problems in system implementation and conversion practices do you recognize in this case
Q.No 3: Who was an analyst at Forrester Research who follows the travel industry
Applications developed to perform organization-wide operations are called
(A): business information system
(B): personal productivity software
(C): office automation software
(D): open source software
Which of the following system components is responsible for ensuring that the system is working to fulfill its objective
(A): Outputs
(B): Processing
(C): Feedback
(D): Control
An information system always:
(A): transforms inputs to information
(B): requires hardware even if only a pencil
(C): is computer-based
(D): None
Which of the following is true about a disk file when WRITE statement will always place a record in the next physical position
(A): sequential file
(B): Indexed File
(C): Relative File
(D): None
Edit Checks and Controls are built into a computer based system to
(A): Ensure that transcription errors do not corrupt the result
(B): Duplicate date does not enter into the computer system
(C): Avoid transposition errors
(D): All
A Sequential File Organisation is most suited for
(A): Airline Reservation System
(B): Library system
(C): Payroll System
(D): None
Batch processing is used when
(A): Data processing is to be carried out at periodic intervals
(B): Transactions are in batches
(C): Transactions do not occur periodically
(D): None
Which of the following describes a relational database
(A): It provides a relationship between integers
(B): It consists of separate tables or related table
(C): It retrieves data related to its queries
(D): It provides a relationship between floats
The Windows element in Visual FoxPro are:
(A): Application Window
(B): Project Manager Window
(C): Commands Window
(D): All
In FoxPro, database can be opened in
(A): Exclusive Mode
(B): Shared Mode
(C): No update Mode
(D): All
To remove all records from the current table, the most appropriate command is
(A): ZAP
(C): Delete All
(D): None
The command that selects an index file/tag for a database file is
(A): Select index
(B): Select order
(C): Set order
(D): None
By default result of query window appears in ___menu
(A): Table
(B): Graph
(C): Browse
(D): Label
One to Many Form Wizard creates Form, using
(A): one table
(B): Two table
(C): Two Forms
(D): All
Visual FoxPro lets you use floating toolbars to work with Reports. They are:
(A): Report control toolbar
(B): Layout toolbar
(C): Color Pallete
(D): All
_______ is visual representation of Entity Relationships
(A): ERD
(B): entity-relation
(C): entity-relation
(D): relational diagram
Which one of the following is not true for the Memo data type in Visual FoxPro?
(A): Memo fields act as variable-length character fields
(B): The limit to the length of the Memo field is 254 characters
(C): Memo data type can hold scanned images and digitized sound
(D): You can manipulate this data type by using any of the functions that manipulate Character fields
The IIF( ) function
(A): results in compactness in a program
(B): is used whenever you have both an "if true" and "if false" part of the statement
(C): will work only if both are same type of expression
(D): All
Which looping process is best, when the number of iterations is known?
(A): for
(B): while
(C): do-while
(D): all looping processes require that the iterations be known
In a program, if you desire to exit unconditionally out of SCAN – ENDSCAN loop, you will use the following command:
(A): Return
(B): Loop
(C): Skip
(D): Exit
Systems software which have freely distributed source code are called:
(A): business information system
(B): office automation software
(C): open source software
(D): personal productivity software
Applications developed to perform organization-wide operations are called
(A): business information system
(B): office automation software
(C): personal productivity software
(D): open source software
A suite of programs that handle an organization’s database responsibilities is called a
(B): Detailed processing system
(C): DMS
(D): None
Which of the following describes a relational database
(A): It provides a relationship between integers
(B): It consists of separate tables or related table
(C): It retrieves data related to its queries
(D): It provides a relationship between floats
Which of the following is a criterion that should be satisfied by an optimal data model
(A): Structural validity, Express ability, Shareability
(B): Structural validity, Express ability, Maintenance of hardware system
(C): Structural validity, Express ability
(D): Express ability, Maintenance of hardware system
What are examples of dbms:-
(A): FoxBASE, FoxPro, Cobol
(B): FoxBASE, FoxPro, Cobol, Pascal
(C): FoxBASE, Foxpro
(D): FoxBASE, Pascal,
Specify any 2 forms of insert command:-
(C): both a and b
(D): 1
________ is visual representation of Entity Relationships
(A): ERD
(B): Relation
(C): entity-relation
(D): relational diagram
File is collection of ________
(A): records
(B): attributes
(C): both a and b
(D): None
ERD captures:-
(A): Entity type, Attributes, Relationship between entities
(B): Entity type, Attributes, Relationship between entities
(C): Attributes, Relationship between entities
(D): None
________are two critical phases in database development lifecycle.
(A): Information and program
(B): Data modeling and database design
(C): database design
(D): both a and b
A fast moving item can be characterized by
(A): Large number of issues
(B): Large number of reciepts
(C): both a and b
(D): None
ABC analysis are used in Solve by www.solvezone.in contact for more details at 8882309876.
(A): Financial control
(B): Inventory control
(C): Stores accounting
(D): None
Zero lead time of supplies means
(A): We may not need to hold any inventory
(B): Reorder points may not have any relevance
(C): EOQ will have no relevance
(D): All
Which of the following is a transaction file
(A): Voucher file
(B): Invoice file
(C): Purchase order file
(D): All
Non-payment of bills over extended period would
(A): Poor inventory policy
(B): Good inventory policy
(C): Nothing with regard to inventory policy
(D): Low holding cost
The pay period processing stage does not include
(A): Printing payroll cheques
(B): Backing up the employees master file
(C): Editing time card information
(D): None
The purpose of foreign key is
(A): Define the erelationship of the current table with a table containing foreign language translations of all the data in the current table
(B): Define the relationship of records in the current table with their child records in the child table
(C): Define the relationship of records in the current table with their parent records in the parent table
(D): Get you into washroom in the Embassy
In executing a computer program 'subtraction' has been performed in place of addition errorneously. The errors may be called
(A): Syntax error
(B): Arithmetic error
(C): Error of commision
(D): Logic error
Identify the invalid field name out of the following
(A): "RS 35.89"
(C): PQR 32
(D): "32 PQR"