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 Explain Projection and Differentiate Parallel and Perspective Projections

University  Amity blog
Service Type Assignment
Short Name or Subject Code COMPUTER GRAPHICS        
Product of Assignment (Amity blog)
Pattern Section A,B,C Wise
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S. No.    Questions    Marks - 10    
1    Explain projection and differentiate parallel and perspective projections.

2     Explain Depth-Buffer Method in detail. 

3     Write steps required to draw a line from point (x,y) to (x’,y’) using Bresenham’s line drawing algorithm.

     From the above illustration, the y coordinate on the mathematical line at xk+1xk+1 is −

4    How do I perform basic viewing in 3D?      

5    How do I rotate a 2D point?

6    How do I do a hidden surface test (backface culling) with 2D points?

7    Describe clipping with its applications.

8    Give difference between Vector scan display and Raster scan display method.    


Case Detail:  

1.    Develop the transformation for finding the reflection point w.r.t. the line ax+by+c=0

2.    Explain with examples the operation of segments.

3.    The pyramid is defined by the coordinates A(0,0,0), B(1,0,0),C(0,1,0) and D(0,0,1) is rotated 90 degrees about the line L that has direction vector V= i +j +k and passing through the origin. Find the co-ordinates of rotated figure


The basic attributes of a straight line segment are :
 (A): Type
 (B): Width
 (C): Color
 (D): All of these

The algorithm which displays line-type attributes by plotting pixel spans is :
 (A): Raster line algorithm
 (B): Raster scan algorithm
 (C): Random line algorithm
 (D): Random scan algorithm

Pixel mask means :
 (A): A string containing only 1's.
 (B): A string containing only 0’s
 (C): A string containing 1 and 0
 (D): A string containing 0 and 0

Computer graphics was first used by :
 (A): William fetter in 1960
 (B): James fetter in 1969
 (C): James gosling in 1991
 (D): John Taylor in 1980

Three dimensional computer graphics become effective in the late:
 (A): 1960
 (B): 1980
 (C): 1970
 (D): 1950

Types of computer graphics are
 (A): Vector and raster
 (B): Scalar and raster
 (C): Vector and scalar
 (D): None of these

Raster graphics are composed of
 (A): Pixels
 (B): Paths
 (C): Palette
 (D): None of these

The process of digitizing a given picture definition into a set of pixel-intensity for storage in the frame buffer is called :
 (A): Rasterization
 (B): Encoding
 (C): Scan conversion
 (D): True color system

Which display devices allows us to walk around an object and view it from different sides :
 (A): Direct view storage tubes
 (B): Three-dimensional devices
 (C): Flat panel display devices
 (D): Plasma panel display devices

Random-scan system mainly designed for:
 (A): Realistic shaded screen
 (B): Fog effect
 (C): Line-drawing applications
 (D): bitmap

Which statement about beam penetration method for producing color display is true ?
 (A): It is used with raster scan monitors .
 (B): It is used with random scan monitors.
 (C): By using beam penetration method a wide range of colors can be obtained.
 (D): It uses three beam penetration gun, one for each green,blue and red colors.

Which of the following are not for line clipping?
 (A): Cohen-Sutherland algorithm
 (B): Midpoint subdivision
 (C): Liang Barsky Algorithm
 (D): Sutherland-Hodgeman Algorithm
What is the aim of Line clipping Algorithms?
 (A): deciding spatial relationship between line and clipping window.
 (B): Finding intersection points.
 (C): both a and b
 (D): a only

Process that converts object coordinates in World Coordinates to Normalized Device Coordinates :
 (A): view-port to Window mapping
 (B): Workstation transformation
 (C): Normalization.
 (D): Window to view-port mapping

Which of these is not a distortion produced by the scan conversion are:
 (A): Jaggies
 (B): Equal brightness
 (C): Anti-aliasing
 (D): Picket Fence Problem

Scan-line algorithm to fill regions efficient for :
 (A): irregular regions
 (B): Circle
 (C): Polygon.
 (D): None of the above.

Which type data structure is used for efficient implementation of scan-line algorithm to fill regions?
 (A): Node list.
 (B): Edge list.
 (C): Stack.
 (D): None of the above.

What is the initial value for the decision parameter in midpoint circle algorithm ?
 (A): 5/4-r
 (B): 4/5-r
 (C): r-5/4
 (D): 4/5r

What is the basis of scan conversion of a circle?
 (A): Semi-circle symmetry
 (B): Quarter symmetry
 (C): Eight-way symmetry
 (D): None of the above

Which of these is not a type of buffer?
 (A): color buffer
 (B): height buffer
 (C): stencil buffer
 (D): accumulation buffer

A 15"×9" monitor is set to a display mode of 1280x1024 pixels. Are the pixels?
 (A): short and fat
 (B): tall and skinny
 (C): rounded
 (D): squared

The selection and separation of a part of text or image for further operation are called :
 (A): Translation
 (B): Shear
 (C): Reflection
 (D): Clipping

In computer graphics, a graphical object is known as:
 (A): Point
 (B): Segment
 (C): Parameter
 (D): None of these

By using the attributes of segment , we can________ any segment :
 (A): Change
 (B): Control
 (C): Print
 (D): None of these

The removal of a segment with its details are called :
 (A): Alter the segments
 (B): Deletion of segments
 (C): Closing the segment
 (D): None of these

Deletion of any segment is much____ than creation of any new segment.
 (A): Easier
 (B): Difficult
 (C): Higher
 (D): None

The graphics method in which one object is transformed into another object are called :
 (A): Clipping
 (B): Morphing
 (C): Reflection
 (D): Shear

A composite transformation matrix can be made by determining the _____of matrix of the individual transformation.
 (A): Addition
 (B): Subtraction
 (C): Product
 (D): None of these

Two consecutive translation transformation of t1 and t2 are :
 (A): Additive
 (B): Subtractive
 (C): Multiplicative
 (D): None of these

A circle, if scaled only in one direction becomes a ?
 (A): parabola
 (B): hyperbola
 (C): ellipseremains
 (D): a circle

A bilinear transformation can be simulated by the transformation ?
 (A): transformation, rotation and stretching
 (B): translation and rotation
 (C): rotation, stretching and inversion
 (D): rotation, stretching, inversion and translation.

Let R be the radius of a circle. The angle subtended by an arc of length R at the center of the circle is ?
 (A): 1 degree
 (B): 1 radian
 (C): 45 degree
 (D): impossible to determine

The ISO standard for computer Graphics is ?
 (A): Graphics Kernel System
 (B): Graphics Standard System
 (C): Computer graphics standard
 (D): None

Graphics and image processing technique used to produce a transformation of one object into another is called ?
 (A): Animation
 (B): Morphine
 (C): Half toning
 (D): bitmap

When several types of output devices are available in graphics installation, it is convenient to use ?
 (A): bundled attributes
 (B): unbundles attributes
 (C): inquiry attributes
 (D): All of these

In displaying a clipped picture the efficient method is ?
 (A): Clipping against the window and then applying the window transformation.
 (B): Applying window transformation and then clipping against the viewport
 (C): Both A and B have the same efficiency .
 (D): Efficiency depends on whether the window is an aligned rectangle or not.

The ......... simply reads each successive byte of data from the frame buffer?
 (A): Digital Controller
 (B): Data Controller
 (C): Display Controller
 (D): All of these

The center of display screen is computed as :
 (A): X max ,y max
 (B): Xmax/2,ymax/2
 (C): Xmax/3,ymax/3
 (D): Xmax/4,ymax/1