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The Current BOP Scenario in India, with USA is Showing Positive BOP in Favour of India, which is why there is a Trade Issues Between India and USA,

University  Nmims Blog
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Short Name or Subject Code India’s foreign Trade
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NMIMS Global Access

School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE)

Course: India’s Foreign Trade

Internal Assignment Applicable for April 2020 Examination

1. The current BoP scenario in India, with USA is showing positive BoP in favor of India, which is why there is a trade issues between India and USA, since US would like India to import more from US and also to rework on lowering import duties. According to you in that situation what is your strategy to narrow down the BoP with USA, give step-by-step action plan to achieve this objective. (10 Marks) 

2. India’s focus on exports to earn foreign currency and to stabilize economic condition of the country. To help Indian exporters, Government of India under Ministry of Commerce has well established Export Promotion Councils in different segments of the industries, they are fully focussed on helping Indian exporters. Discuss what the role of EPC is and take any one segment of the industry where specific EPC is working, and explain how they help the Indian exporters in exporting, especially for SME’s. (10 Marks) 

3. India opened its market for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the 1990’s going away from the licence Raj system, which led to an economic boom in the country.

a. Explain how the Indian economy became vibrant post-1990 explain with top changes taken place during that period which benefited faster GDP growth. (5 Marks) 

b. How the opening door for FDI in India by the government benefited Indian exporters. (5 Marks)
