Analyze What kind of Documents are Needed by Wills for Conducting Risk Inspection? |
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Risk management assignment
Q1) A factory owner has started his business with an initial investment of Rs. 6 lakhs where he has invested for starting up his production activities for Rs. 3.50 lakhs. Over a certain period of time, the owner engages his entire production team for producing 1,000 additional units per day which has exceeded its present production capacity by 10%. Which type of risk has been taken by factory owner which has superceded his existing production.
Q3) In a clinical trial of a drug to prevent migranes, 2 of 100 people taking the drug experience a migrane(2%), compared with 4 of 100 people taking a placebo(4%). It is concluded that there were 2% (4%-2%) fewer migranes in taking the drug. Which fundamental statistical analysis of risk reduction has been applied in testing the drug?
Q6) The forecasters predicted that the city will be warm with 5 degree Fahrenheit temperature than the historical average. Using this information,the ABC company anticipates that its revenues would be affected by that kind of weather. But the same company would most likely purchase an insurance policy for protection against damages caused by a flood and hurricane. Determine which kind of alternative to insurance products a company can opt for hedging against winters?
Q7) Mr. X while undergoing treatment for his cancer has applied to insurance company for recovering the amount of his overall treatment. He has submitted the reports of all the details related to his diseases and the costs involved during the surgery. During the treatment, his doctor have detected a certain kind of tumor and found it to be incurable. Mr. X have only recovered Rs. 1,50,000 including the medical expenses but have not recovered the money for incurable tumor. He further have filed an RTI with IRDA for recovering the expenses of that incurable tumor so that he can approach highly specialized doctor in U.S.A. Determine which principle IRDA should follow for helping Mr. X to recover the full amount of his surgery.
Q8) The major disruption caused by consistent earthquakes in Nepal have lead to a major destruction in the commercial areas resulting in heavy lossesfor the country. The due diligence committee of Nepal Government are inspecting the major affected areas for the re-establishment of new offices and buildings. Estimate the calculation method used by the underwriters of the due diligence committee for helping the Nepal Government for fixing their budget for the rehabilitation of the entire country.
Case Study
Q1. You are a Risk manager at Wills. You are required to roughly estimate the overall costs of risk associated in entire aircraft operations?
Q2. You are an underwriter of this company. Study from the internet the average costs involved in aircraft operations and calculate Probable.
3. Analyze what kind of documents are needed by Wills for conducting Risk Inspection?
Assignment Part C
Question No. 1 Marks - 10
What is defined as a decline in or disappearance of value due to a contingency?
(Financial Loss )
Material Loss
Emotional loss
Unexpected loss
Question No. 2 Marks - 10
Risk management facilitates an organization in the avoidance of a great financial losses which ultimately results into?
Financial loss
Question No. 3 Marks - 10
Which techniques will be used for managing the risks, once the risks have been identified and assessed?
( All of the above)
Question No. 4 Marks - 10
Which category of risk includes risks that are so large or catastrophic that they either cannot be insured against or the premiums that would be infeasible?
Risk Avoidance
Risk Reduction
Risk Retention
(Risk Transfer)
Question No. 5 Marks - 10
Which category of risk is defined as the subjective judgment that people make about the characteristics and severity of a risk?
( Risk Identification)
Risk Perception
Risk Retention
Risk Transfer
Question No. 6 Marks - 10
Which of the following describe the reasons for the causes of operative risks?
Internal and External Fraud
Employment Practices and Workplace Safety
( Client, Products and Business Practices)
All of the above
Question No. 7 Marks - 10
Which funds have been set aside by the project team for addressing the unforeseen events that cause the project costs to increase?
Business Planning Funds
Governmental Funds
( Reserve funds)
Contingency Funds
Question No. 8 Marks - 10
Which statistical technique makes assumptions about distributions relating to the severity and the frequency of the individual losses?
Monte Carlo Simulation of Distributions
Normal Distribution
Poisson Distribution
(Bionomial Distribution)
Question No. 9 Marks - 10
Which type of risk arise out of the nature of the society that we live in are largely uninsurable and those that arise due to some physical occurrence depend for their insurability on the circumstances?
Fundamental Risk
( Personal Risk)
Pure Risk
Particular Risk
Question No. 10 Marks - 10
Which type of risk reduction technique describes the excess risk occuring as a result of the changes in risk of a given activity or treatment in relation to a control activity or treatment?
(Relative Risk Reduction)
Risk Transfer
Absolute Risk Reduction
Risk Retention
Question No. 11 Marks - 10
Which of the following disasters kill thousands of people and destroy billions of dollars of habitat and property each year?
( Earthquake)
Volcanic eruptions
All of the above
Question No. 12 Marks - 10
Which technique involves different regions, different professions and different scientific fields, that becomes an important measure for human, society and nature for sustainable development?
Disaster reduction
( Disaster assessment)
Disaster Mitigation
Disaster Preparation
Question No. 13 Marks - 10
Which type of disasters are caused by ignorance, mistakes or knowingly done careless development activities?
Natural disaster
(Man-made disaster)
Biological hazards
Displaced populations
Question No. 14 Marks - 10
What comprises disaster management strategies?
Relative Risk Reduction
(Risk Transfer)
Absolute Risk Reduction
Risk Retention
Question No. 15 Marks - 10
The risk control measures fall into which of the following categories?
Physical protection
Procedural protection
Educational protection
( All of the above)
Question No. 16 Marks - 10
Which measure attempts to reduce the frequency of loss associated with inescapable risks by preventing the occurrence of loss?
Risk avoidance
( Loss prevention)
Loss reduction
Question No. 17 Marks - 10
When an insurance company transfers a part of risk to other companies is known as?
Portfolio effect
Financial capacity
(Risk Transfer)
Question No. 18 Marks - 10
Which principle helps to analyze the transfer of financial effect of risk to another party ?
Risk Avoidance
Risk reduction
Risk transfer
(Risk Retention)
Question No. 19 Marks - 10
Which method reduces portfolio risk or some business risks involving future transactions?
Question No. 20 Marks - 10
Which principle states that one who has indemnified another’s loss is entitled to recover compensation for any liable third party who is responsible?
Principle of Contribution
Principle of Indemnity
Principle of Subrogation
( Principle of Insurable Interest)
Question No. 21 Marks - 10
Which principle provides a practical method of collecting data related to the subject matter or the risk to be covered by the insurance company?
(Principle of Utmost Good Faith)
Principle of Indemnity
Principle of Subrogation
Principle of Insurable Interest
Question No. 22 Marks - 10
Which principle is the fundamental principle that strongly supports the principle of indemnity, which holds that, an insured must be made good the loss that he has actually suffered?
Principle of Utmost Good Faith
(Principle of Contribution)
Principle of Subrogation
Principle of Insurable Interest
Question No. 23 Marks - 10
Which principle states that the insurer paying the claim has right upon other insurers to pass or transfer part of his burden?
Principle of Utmost Good Faith
(Principle of Contribution)
Principle of Subrogation
Principle of Insurable Interest
Question No. 24 Marks - 10
Which contracts are traded both on established exchanges and Over-the-Counter market (OTC)?
Contract of good faith
( Contract of Subrogation)
Question No. 25 Marks - 10
Which groups tend to be comprised of companies with similar risk profiles where each member of a pool shares the profits and losses of the pool through a so-called joint and several liability arrangement?
Captive Insurer
Risk Retention Groups
Self-Insurance Groups
(Risk Prevention Groups)
Question No. 26 Marks - 10
Which financial instruments are used by the companies as part of a risk management strategy to reduce the risk associated with adverse or unexpected weather conditions?
Credit securitization
( CAT Bonds)
Finite risk products
Weather Derivatives
Question No. 27 Marks - 10
What are the three categories of financial risks?
Market Risk
Credit Risk
Operational Risk
(All of the above)
Question No. 28 Marks - 10
Who works within both the organizational process and leadership bureaucracy to efficiently create the risk process?
Marketing Manager
Risk Manager
Finance Manager
( Production Manager)
Question No. 29 Marks - 10
Which process provides opportunities for members to understand their roles and responsibilities as the structure of the organization changes?
Question No. 30 Marks - 10
Which cost is directly correlated to the viability of a facility’s safety and health program?
(Worker's Compensation)
Workplace Compensation
Training Compensation
Direct Compensation
Question No. 31 Marks - 10
Which of the following factors influence the success of the training programme?
( the high quality of the training manual)
the use of an ongoing mentorship programme
the extensive use of self and peer group critiquing skills
All of the above
Question No. 32 Marks - 10
Which risk control alternative completely eliminates the chance of a particular type of loss?
Loss Prevention
Risk Avoidance
Loss reduction
(Utilization of Non-Insurance Transfers)
Question No. 33 Marks - 10
Which amongst the following are the aspects of effective monitoring and control?
Setting standards for defining acceptable performance
(Comparison of actual results with these standards)
Correcting actual results to more fully comply with standards
All of the above
Question No. 34 Marks - 10
Which inspection technique is described as an Optimal maintenance business process that is used to examine equipment such as pressure vessels, heat exchangers and piping in industrial plants?
Risk Surveillance
Risk Supervision
Risk Based Inspection
( Risk Evaluation)
Question No. 35 Marks - 10
Which estimation is used to determine the extent of losses in Chemical & Petrochemical Industries?
Probable Maximum Loss
(Normal Distribution)
Poisson Distribution
Standard Distribution
Question No. 36 Marks - 10
PML estimation is used in which of the following industries?
Aeronautical Industries
Manufacturing Industries
(Chemical and Petrochemical Industries)
Dairy Industries
Question No. 37 Marks - 10
Which deductible is referred to as the amount for which the client is responsible for each individual employee or dependent claim in the policy year?
(Quota Share)
proportional treaty
Question No. 38 Marks – 10 Solve by contact for more details at - 8882309876
What are the three main methods of reinsurance?
facultative obligatory
(All of the above)
Question No. 39 Marks - 10
Which treaty is called a proportional treaty where both the parties participate in the premiums and claims in the same percentage as they have retained and accepted?
Quota Share treaty
Surplus Treaty
(Combined treaty)
proportional treaty
Question No. 40 Marks - 10
Which form of reinsurance increases underwriting capacity as it enables risks to be written over and above the capacity of automatic treaties?
( claim-settlement)
facultative obligatory
proportional treaty