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Amity Semester 1st Solved Assignment for Management Functions & Behaviour 

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Management Functions & Behaviour 

1. The management development program was designed for
Top Level

Low Level

none of the above

middle Level
Question 2
In the case described the top level executives in the organisation are concerned with
none of the above

Scientific Research problems 

all the problems in the organisation

Management problems
Question 3
The major objective of conducting management development program was to
Introduce a new product

Acquaint the employees with various management practices

none of the above

New Marketing concept
Question 4
The Management Development Program was conducteded in the
Research and Develpoment Department

Human Resource department

Marketing Department

none of the above
Question 5
Pilot program was focused on a
Large Sample

Small samples

Both a & b

none of the above

Question 6
Top scientist believed in
Both a & b

Scientific Validity of the concepts

none of the above

Qualitative validity of the concepts
Question 7
Scientist believed that field of management is a
Real art

Real Science

none of the above

Both a&b
Question 8
"""The psychologist recognised that this whole program might be in jeopardy"" implies"
Was A Success

On Trial basis

Poor Marketing Strategies

It was a real mess

Question 9
The case focuses on
Effective Leadership

Comparison between theory and scientific approach of management.

Improving the Performance of the employees.

Highlighting the Importance of Theory
Question 10
The young psychologist who had joined the personal staff was

none of the above

thought it to be Challenging



Question 1
"As per the case, the main objective of staffing is to ____________________"
Motivate the employees

Train the employees

Meet the staffing demands

All of the above
Question 2
"The human resource staffing went for work in XYZ, by first"
development of the employees

analyzing the requirement

Job Description

None of the above
Question 3
XYZ supply Co. was working for
Correct Answer
Job specification

Job Description

Job analysis

None of the above
Question 4
XYZ supply Co. described its process of


Both a&b

None of the above
Question 5
XYZ supply Co. implied selection as a
Negative process

Positive Process

Neutral process

None of the above
Question 6
H.R staffing of the company highlighted that the focus of HR department is
Quality applicants

Who could bend with the culture of the company

Right people at right place

All of the above
Question 7
"Candidates were contacted by employee referrals, current employees in the database These are _____________"
Various recruiting sources

Various Training techniques

Various appraisal techniques

All of the above

Question 8
The organization/company when decides to transfer its present employees to different jobs is called as

Job rotation

Recruitment process

None of the above
Question 9
Approximately 6 were hired on permanently. This decision was based on
Training & Description

Job rotation


Question 10
The case can be best summarized as
Challenges of staffing

Success of Staffing

Challenges of H.R

Process of recruitment and selection

3rd Block Assessments

Initially Kodak was a _______________
Dream company to work with

Very Centralized


None of the above

Name the various competitors of Kodak in the market as described in the case



All of the above

Which function Kodak failed to concentrate on
Lack of direction and management control

Lack of co-ordination

Lack of communication

Lack of technological upgradation

Kodak after realizing it's mistake focused on ______________
The various environmental factors

Concentratetd on New Product Development process

Both a&b

None of the above

Eastman Kodak journey can be best summarized as____________________
Kodak's journey from success to failure

Kodak's effort to recapture the market

Kodak staffing policies

None of the above

______________ management function of Kodak was most affected/hampered by it's policies



None of the above

"""Kodak was synonymous with the yellow boxes"" means"
Kodak was market followers

Kodak was market leaders

Kodak was market competitors

None of the abov

Kodak failure to remain in market can be attributed to _____________________
Lack of perception about the market

Conflict Management

Lack of motivation

None of the above

Kodak's strategy of remaining in markets was focused on

Management control

Job Performance


Kodak sales decline because of
Lack of knowledge about environmental factors

Not being updated with the latest technology

both a&b

None of these


4th Block Assessments  
In over two decades as CEO, Welch boosted GE’s market cap by nearly half a trillion dollars. Clearer proof of a CEO’s shrewdness and business wisdom would be heard to find. Yet reconstructing his career for the book, says Welch, brought a revelation: “ I was surprised by how many of the insights I got to in my career were there at the beginning, I just wish I’d moved faster. It took me 20 years to do what clearly could have been done in ten.”
I had been working at GE for a year as an engineer making $10,500 when my boss handed me a $1,000 raise. I was okay with it-until I found out later that day that I’d gotten exactly what all four of us sharing an office received. I thought I deserved more than what my boss called the “standard” increase. I talked to him, but the discussion went nowhere. So, I quit. Shortly after, a young executive based in Connecticut invited Carolyn and me to dinner at a restaurant in Pittsfield. Over dinner, for four straight hours, he was hell-bent on keeping me at GE. He promised to get me a bigger raise and more important, vowed to keep the company bureaucracy out of my way. By adding $2000 to the $1,000 raise and promising an increase in responsibility and cover from the bureaucracy the young executive showed me he really cared. Ever since that time, differentiation has been a basic part of how I manage. But differentiation is all about being extreme, rewarding the best and wedding out the ineffective. Rigorous differentiation delivers real stars-and stars build great businesses.
        Obliviously, I wasn’t a natural fit for the corporation. I had little respect or tolerance for protocol.
Facing reality and performing became the mantra of GE under Welch. He gradually rebuilds the company into what he calls a “people factory” that generated success by richly rewarding talented managers and relentless culling inferior ones.  Welch explains how differentiating between good and bad performers, the lesson he learned as a young plastics engineer of a global corporate giant.
        In a company with more than 300,000 employees and 4,000 senior managers, we need more than just touchy-feely good intentions. There has to be a structure and logic so that every employee knows the rules of the game. Rigor is what brings our people system to life. Every year we’d ask each of GE’s businesses to identify the people in their organizations whom they considered in the top 20%, the middle 70%, and finally the bottom 10%. If there were 20 people on the management staff, we wanted to know the four in the top 20 % and the two in the bottom 10%-by name, position, and compensation. The underperformers generally had to go.

Question 1
The case _____________________________ is about
all of the above


Decision Making

effective leadership

Question 2
The case is a description about
Effective leadership

None of the above

Both a&b

Work Dissatisfaction

Question 3
Rigorous differentiation in the case is described as
work based promotions

work based incentive

all of the above

Lay off as per the work
Question 4
The greatest motivation for the employees in the case is
None of the above



Right appraisal
Question 5
"""Welch boosted GE's market up by nearly half a trillion dollars"" means"
Welch is an effective leader

none of the above

understands market well

knows competitors

Question 6
Welch's style of leadership is _______________




Question 7
The decisions regarding the underperformers fall under the category of
Strategic decisions

Basic decisions

Tactical Decisions

Routine decisions

Question 8
Welch's role as CEO can be best described as
None of the above

an inspiration to employee

Both a&b

Building high morale

Question 9
Welch in the beginning talked about
his failure

was not technology savvy

expressed his lack of insights

None of the above
Question 10
The case can be best summarized as
None of the above

Different styles of motivating employees

Different styles of Compensation

Different styles of Staffing



Question 1
The case of IBM highlights that the company is now following
centralisation system


span of control

Chain of command

Question 2
IBM was now following _________________ of authority
Unity of command


None of the above

Question 3
All effects of IBM lead to ________________
No Substantial increase in profits

Proper decentralization

New types of organization structure

None of the above

Question 4
IBM followed ____________ to connect to local customers
Both a&b

None of the above


Question 5
The decision of IBM to split into 2 steps is a part of
None of the above


Both a&b


Question 6
IBM was not able to gain profits because of its _____________ organization system
None of the above

Poor organization system

Decentralized organization system

Centralized organization system

Question 7
IBM's new strategies aimed at
differentiated between centralization and decentralization

differentiating between different types of organization

Differentiating between power and authority

Differentiating line & staff
Question 8
Each subsidiary was instructed to negotiate mainframe roles independently implies
All of the above

IBM followed span of control

IBM implemented the delegation of authority

IBM changed the organization structure’s
Question 9
The IBM's changing strategy is to
None of the above

Both a&b

Change the organization policies and structure to connect to local customer

increase profits
Question 10
IBM's case can be best summarized as
Authority at IBM

Centralizing at IBM

Decentralizing at IBM

Organization structure at IBM

Full Syllabus Assessment

Hiring contingent workers can be a blessing for both organization and individual. Contingent workers provide employers with a rich set of diverse skills on an as-needed basis. In addition, hiring precisely when the specific work is to begin is cost effective. Moreover, individuals who desire to work less than full time are also given the opportunity to keep their skills sharp. At the same time, being contingent workers permits them to balance their commitment to personal matters and their careers. Many of the blessing s for individuals, however, resolve around the central assumption that an individual chooses to be a contingent worker. Unfortunately, such an assumption is not always valid. Jobs in the global village have shifted in terms of requisite skills and locations, and that trend is expected to continue. Consequently, the involuntary contingent workforce is expected to grow in the years ahead.
   Being part of the contingent workforce, even if not by choice, might not be so bad if employees receive benefits that organizations typically provide to their full-time permanent employees. For instance, as a contract worker, you are required to pay all of your Social security premiums. For core and some part-time employees, the employees and the employer share in this “tax”, so some of that “extra” hourly rate of the contingent worker is taken away as an expense. Added to Social security are such things as paying for one’s health insurance. Buying health insurance through an organization that receives group rates is generally cheaper than having to buy the insurance yourself. Another expense for the contingent worker is having to pay for one’s office supplies and equipment. As for time off with pay benefits, forget about it. Vacation, holidays, sick leave? It’s simple. Take all you want. But remember, when you don’t work, you don’t get paid!
  Nearly two decades ago there were 619,000 temporary jobs in the United States. Today that number is over 14 million. Similar trends have also been witnessed in Europe and Asia. How do employees feel about this growth in temporary work? Even though some employees appear to prefer the flexibility their contingent status affords them, it’s probably accurate to say that the majority of the workforce prefers permanent, full time employment. But in a world of rapid change, permanent employees sometimes limit management’s flexibility. A large permanent workforce, for example, restricts management’s option and raises costs of firms that suffer the ups and downs of market cycles. So, we can expect employers to increasingly rely on temporaries to fill new and vacated positions.
Surveys of U.S. managers reveal significant differences in values, attitudes, and beliefs that they personally hold and what they encounter in the workplace and this discrepancy is not simply a U.S. phenomenon. Managers around the world , in such places as the Pacific Rim, Europe, and India are all facinf the same predicaments.

Question 1
Contingent workers can maintain
rare skills

good finance

work life balance

All of the above

Question 2
Contingent workers receive ____________ benefits as compared to full time workers



none of the above

Question 3
The management trend of hiring contingent workers is
is cost effective

All of the above

a blessing

need of an hour
Question 4
Hiring Contingent workers is becoming a ________ trend in today’s scenario.
None of the above




Question 5
Contingent workers are ________________ to an organization
All of the above



Question 6
Hiring Contingent workers is a decision taken by
None of the above

Middle level management

Low level Management

Top Level Management

Question 7
The scenario 1 can be best summarized as
None of the above

Contingent workers- A blessing or a disguise

employment trend of next decade

Opportunities for employees

Question 8
The scenario 2 describes the difference of ___________


None of the above


Question 9
"If your manager directs you to do some work, against the values and beliefs . It is called as _______"
None of the above

Unethical Organisation

Ethical organisation


Question 10
Scenario 2 can be best described as
Management versus employees thinking

Ethics in management around the globe

none of the above

"Values, beliefs of the organisation"

Course summary 

Live Interactive Session Test
Question 1
Managerial skills required a top level
Human Skills

Conceptual skills

Technical Skills

None of the above

Question 2
____________ Theory is referred to as behavioural science approach focused more on human and social aspects of the workers
Neo Classical Theory

Classical Management

Modern Organization

None of the above
Question 3
Planning helps in
Unifying Framework

reduces the risk of uncertainty

Improves morale

All of the above
Question 4
"____________ is deciding in advance what to do, how to do it, when to do it and who has to do it."




Question 5
MBO stands for
Management for Objectives

Measuring by Objectives

Management by Objectives

None of the above

Question 6
"In ___________ organization charts, the flow of authority passes from top to bottom"
Vertical Charts

Horizontal Charts

Circular Charts

None of the above
Question 7
Span of Control refers to
difference between authority and responsibility

One reporting superior

The number of subordinates a supervisor has

None of the above

Question 8
Organizations should strive to promote Team spirit and Unity
Espirit de corps



Division of work

Question 9
"When employees are specialized, output can increase because they become increasingly skilled and efficient"


Division of work

None of the above
Question 10
________ Is a relatively permanent change in behaviour that occurs as a result of persons interaction with the environment



None of the above

Question 11
_________________ is a phenomena of using power and manipulative skills to achieve personal gains



None of the above
Question 12
____________ is the number of different levels of authority and command in the organization structure
Scalar chain

Span of Control

Unity of command

None of the above

Question 13
When decisions are made closer to the customer is called as


Unity of command

None of the above

Question 14
______________ is the ability of a manager to share his burden with others



None of the above
Question 15
Stages of group development begins with


