Amity BBA Sem V Retail Management Solved Assignment for Store Performance Management |
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Store Performance Management
3. What is Manpower Planning?
4. Discuss the regulation to the retail industry in India.
6. Which Organizations are related to Retail Law?
It was Calcutta (now known as Kolkata) that saw the emergence of organized retailing in India way back in the 19th century itself. The Hogg Market, popularly and better known as New Market is one of Kolkata’s earliest shopping centers. Designed by an East Indian Railway Company architect, R.R, Bayne, it was opened in 1874 and named after the then municipal commissioner of Calcutta, Sir Stuart Hogg. Earlier the Hogg Market even had a garden with a beautiful fountain adding to its ambience and benches too for tired shoppers. Today, the New Market continues to be a premier shopping area in Kolkata despite a part of it being incinerated in late 1985. Its red-brick Gothic clock-tower today bears testimony to the past grandeur of this first shopping centre of India. Today from linen to cakes and fruits to fishes everything is available at the New Market at a reasonable price and this has made the New Market sustain its popularity among the metro customers of Kolkata. The tenant mix of this first shopping centre is unique as it has a large number of 2000 stalls, which are organized in an order of merchandize. There are rows of stalls dealing with one particular line of goods. A retail researcher by name Christine Furedy in the 70s has observed in her article in the Capital on 24th December 1979 tracing the emergence of the New Market, thus: “Until the late 19th century New Market sold only produce. Its primary purpose was to supply wholesome food under clean conditions at reasonable prices. It is true, too, that it was designed for the Europeans but the municipality strove to have it accepted as a market for all Calcuttans. Changes began to occur: fancy goods dealers and cloth merchants could afford to pay higher rents for their shops than the food vendors and more and more they appeared in the market proper. Eventually the market was reorganized and food vendors were placed in the section they still occupy. Another difference in the 19th century was that no ads or encroachments were allowed. The facade of the market was unencumbered, showing its fine lines and good brickwork. Within the market stallholders had to keep their produce within their stalls and were not allowed to obstruct the corridors and paths. There was a garden and a fountain where shoppers gathered to chat. Begging and pestering were forbidden. On the other hand, it was strictly “caveat emptor”. Two English women who were sold inferior cloth and complained to the Markets Committee in 1894 found they had no redress. The system of licensing coolies was introduced in 1885 after customers had complained of being disturbed by ‘importunate coolies’. Only registered coolies were permitted inside: the registration fee was five annas and each coolie had to wear a simple uniform and a number badge, a requirement which is still in force today. Next time you go to New Market take a few minutes off from your shopping to look around. Compare the facade and clock tower today with its original unencumbered lines; look for the old original shops made of fine mahogany and teak. It is a great pity, in my opinion, that this historic building is under threat of revamping. At the very least its facade and some of the original shops should be preserved to remind us that the New Market became an example for the whole of Asia of an efficient and fascinating municipal market.” Furedy also mentions about the opposition that came up for building this municipal market. She says, “It is hard to imagine now how controversial the concept was. There was strong opposition from influential citizens, both European and Indian. Some Europeans were opposed to the idea of ‘municipal trading* seeing this as the thin edge of a wedge which would dislodge the principles of private property and free enterprise. Others argued that the undertaking was not within the purposes of the Municipal Act and would be too great a burden upon the municipal coffers. This, indeed, was part of the objections of the Indian municipal commissioners who pointed out also that it was only the Europeans who were dissatisfied with the conditions of the markets and that they proposed to use municipal funds, derived largely from taxes upon Indian householders, to finance a market designed for the patronage of the European population only. Indian rate payers argued that already the better part of the municipal funds were put to improving the European sections of the town to the neglect of the areas inhabited by Indians. If once one municipal market was approved, there would be no end to the number of public markets which might be built at great municipal extravagance.” Against all these odds the then Hogg Market evolved and it soon became a popular destination for shopping in Calcutta. Furedy goes on to speak about the emergence of modern retailing in India. She mentions, ‘The most complex retail business of late nineteenth-century Calcutta, establishments which were to dominate the modern retail sector, were the department stores. Although everyone has closed its doors, many Calcutta’s still remember the names or recognize their converted, subdivided buildings: Francis, Harrison and Hathaway; Hall and Anderson; the Army and Navy Stores; White away, Laidlaw and Co. In their scope and outreach these shops rivaled those to be found in cities of the same size in Britain, Europe or the United States. The city’s leading hotels, while they provided many services and housed a number of businesses, did not always own and run all of these. Their retail areas were perhaps more like arcades than department stores. The shops from which department stores rather literally evolved were the drapers’ and mercers’ shops. We know from trade directories that shops like Francis, Harrison, Hathaway and Co., which was described as “first class drapers” in 1864, had a large staff of 11 European assistants in 1880. (By the end of the century there were at least 40), This was the first shop to adopt a ‘departmental’ organization, which was formalized in the 1890s and repeated at the branch shops in Shimla, Lahore, Darjeeling and Allahabad. Incidentally, in 1880 one of the leading assistants in Hathaway’s was Mr. E. White away who ten years later was the partner of White away, Laidlaw, occupying numbers 5 and 6 Chowringhee and employing 38 assistants. Two other employees of Hathaway’s were to become equally famous in Calcutta’s retail trade. In the early 1890s P.N. Hall and William Anderson set up together in a modest partnership selling suiting’s at bargain prices from a small shop on the Esplanade.” It is indeed amazing to know about the first phase of the evolution of modern retailing in India from Furedy’s research. India is now witnessing its second phase of organized retailing!
1. What are the lessons of retail evolution do we learn from the New Market in Kolkata?
2. Comment on researcher Christine Furedy’s observations on the emergence of the New Market as an organized shopping Centre in India.
Assignment C
Question No. 1
What is merchandising?
A critical retail function
A critical online function
A critical management function
A critical logistics function
Question No. 2 Marks - 10
What is the chief aim of any store merchandising activity?
Meeting manager requirements
Meeting retail requirements
Meeting customer requirements
Meeting monetary requirements
Question No. 3 Marks - 10
Suppliers are critical for?
Customer satisfaction
Supply chain
Question No. 4 Marks – 10
What is at the core of retail management?
Supply chain
Customer loyalty
Window display
Question No. 5 Marks - 10
Which of these is a crucial part of merchandise management?
Merchandise display
Merchandise storage
Merchandise quality
Question No. 6 Marks - 10
As ………… is sold, new stocks need to be purchased, displayed and sold.
Question No. 7 Marks - 10
……………… function enables the retailer to carefully sort and select the merchandise and for subsequently making the purchase.
Question No. 8 Marks - 10
The importance of quality in every walk of life cannot be overemphasized in this global …………...
Question No. 9 Marks - 10
………… is an integral part of merchandising.
Sales Promotion
Question No. 10 Marks - 10
A ………… job was to act as a link between stores and the buyer.
Question No. 11 Marks - 10
The family into which one is born is called the:
extended family`
nuclear family
family of procreation
family of orientation
Question No. 12 Marks - 10
The family into which one marries is called the:
extended family
nuclear family
family of procreation
family of orientation
Question No. 13 Marks - 10
Which of the following terms can be used by marketers to study families as a unit of analysis?
Consumer unit
Minimal household unit
All of the above
Question No. 14 Marks - 10
The term CU refers to:
consumer unit
customer unit
competitive unit
None of the above
Question No. 15 Marks - 10
The term MHU stands for:
maximum household unit
minimal household unit
maximal household unit
None of the above
Question No. 16 Marks - 10
Structural variables affecting households and families include:
marital status
employment status
presence of children
All of the above
Question No. 17 Marks - 10
Which of the following is not one of the sociological variables used to explain how families function?
Question No. 18 Marks - 10
____ is the emotional bonding between family members.
Question No. 19 Marks - 10
Adaptability measures the ability of a family to change its:
power structure
role relationships
A and B
Question No. 20 Marks - 10
A/an ____, also known as functional roles, involves financial performance and other functions performed by group members.
instrumental role
expressive role
family role
supportive role
Question No. 21 Marks - 10
A/an ____ involves supporting other family members in the decision-making process and expressing the family's aesthetic or emotional needs, including upholding family norms.
instrumental role
expressive role
family role
supportive role
Question No. 22 Marks - 10
Which of following is not one of the individual roles in family decision making?
Question No. 23 Marks - 10
Which of the following is not one of the categories used for representing the relative influence of spouses in family buying decisions?
Wife dominant
Husband dominant
Child dominant
Question No. 24 Marks - 10
What does the term FLC mean?
Forever Lifetime Customers
Family Life Cycle
Family Lifestyle Consumption
Family Lessons Continue
Question No. 25 Marks - 10
What does CLC stand for?
Continuous Lifetime Customers
Consumer Life Cycle
Consumers Love Competition
Competition Learns Continuously
Question No. 26 Marks – 10
Which of the following terms can be used to describe the series of stages a family passes through over time?
Family life cycle
Household life cycle
Consumer life cycle
All of the above
Question No. 27 Marks - 10
At which stage of the family life cycle is the family most satisfied with its financial position?
Newly married couples
Full nest I
Full nest III
Empty nest I
Question No. 28 Marks - 10
Which of the following changes related to marriage and family have not been occurring in American society over the past three decades?
Higher rates of divorce
Delays in second marriages
Non-marital cohabitation
The ratio of married and single households are almost equal
Question No. 29 Marks - 10
The basic structure of families and households is changing in which of the following?
United States
B and C
Question No. 30 Marks - 10
Over the past three decades, the average household size in the United States has ____.
remained the same
None of the above
Question No. 31 Marks - 10
In terms of their career orientation, working women can be classified as:
Hard workers versus lazy workers.
Get the job done workers versus career workers.
Just-a-job workers versus career workers.
Part-time workers versus full-time workers.
Question No. 32 Marks - 10
Discusses how Leo She has divided mothers into different groups. Which of the following is not one of these groups?
Miracle Mothers
Tug of War Moms
Strong Shoulders
Mothers of Invention
Question No. 33 Marks - 10
Which of the following stores do children like to shop at?
Convenience stores
Mass merchandisers
Specialty stores
All of the above
Question No. 34 Marks - 10
Children average just over ____ store visits per year, either alone or with parents.
Question No. 35 Marks - 10
Most children make their first independent purchase at:
Convenience stores
Grocery stores
Electronics stores
Music stores
Question No. 36 Marks - 10
On which of the following do children aged 4-12 spend the most money?
Food and Beverages
Question No. 37 Marks - 10
Cohabitating couples made up ____ percent of the population in 1970 compared to ____ percent in 2000.
1.04; 7.0
0.3; 5.6
2.7; 3.4
1.0; 5.0
Question No. 38 Marks - 10
Which of the following is capable of exerting reference group influence?
Sports teams
Famous or admired individuals
All of the above
Question No. 39 Marks - 10
Which of the following is not a type of reference group?
Question No. 40 Marks - 10
____ groups usually exert the greatest reference group influence.